Questions (English Task)

Read the page about Movie Review of Shawsank Redemption and answer this question


1. in what year Andy Dufresne sentenced to Shawshank ?

a. 1945

b. 1948

c. 1947

d. 1946

e. 1949

2. who plays as Andy Dufresne ?

a. Morgan Freeman

b. Tim Robbins

c. Mark Rolston

d. Byron Hadly

c. Robert de Niro

3. what character that Clancy Brown play for ?

a. Warden Joseph

b. Warden Norton

c. Byron Hadly

d. Andy Dufresne

e. Batman

4. Who is Andy’s Best Friend in Shawshank ?

a. Warden Buffet

b. Warden Norton

c. Ellis “Red” Redding

d. Rita Hayworth

e. Batman

5. Who play as Ellis Redding ?

a. Morgan Freeman

b. God

c. Denzel Washington

d. Jamie Foxx

e. the answer is a and b.

6. Who Beats Bogs

a. His mom

b. Your mom

c. Byron Hadly

d. Andy Dufresne

e. Batman

7. what is Andy’s alias as money launder ?

a. Ellis Redding

b. Randal Stephens

c. Bruce Wayne

d. Kal-El

e. The Money Launder

8. why Tommy Williams sentenced to Shawshank ?

a. Killing

b. Burglary

c. Raping

d. Selling drugs

e. trying to become Batman

9. how Andy break up from Shawshank

a. Using tunnel that he create

b. stealing the prison key

c. by prison riot

d. by paying the amnesti

e. Batman help him

10. where Andy and Red finally meet up ?

a. Zihuatanejo

b. Zihuatenejo

c. Chihuatanejo

d. they don’t meet up

e. Gotham City

About Siddiq

i'm just a silly kid with a lot of big dreams

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